Monday, February 7, 2011


Promotion week is upon us again! It has been a crazy few months since our last promotion, we implemented a few new changes in the studio. We have a new place for all of our shoes and jackets, (thank you Green Street Construction) newly painted private lesson rooms and bathrooms. Our S.T.A.R. Projects are changing up to focus more on life lessons, and healthy goals. We have Zumba classes and Breakfast LIT meetings now also. A few new Instructors helping out in class. But the best change of all is how we have come full circle since the day we opened our doors three years ago.  

At our first Promotion we had seven students! Those original seven, plus twelve more are testing for their Black Belts in two months. I can name every single one without batting an eye. They have helped us to be who we are today. It has been an incredible journey, a lot of hard work, sweat, and tears. But most of all, it has all been extremely satisfying and fun. There were nights where we only had one student show up for class. (Thanks Danny). We never thought we would be where we are today.

We have grown so much and have been taught amazing lessons along the way. Some we stepped forward, some where we learned to take a step back. That is part of growing, and we never forget those challenges and trials. Along the way we met amazing children and adults who have become great martial artists even with the challenges and difficulties they have had to face. They teach us lessons every single day. Good lessons. How to keep going. How to move forward. How to laugh at yourself. How to be positive. And to NEVER give up.

So as we hand out the new belts this week, and shed a tear, or crack up at our Asah Sharks trying to tie their belts, the Ninjas who can't wait to do a million jumping jacks, just know that we are eternally grateful for the amazing journey the families at Action Karate Newtown have taken us on. Without you, we would never be where we are today.

"Whatever you are, be a good one".......Abraham Lincoln.

Miss Anne

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