Tuesday, August 9, 2011


It’s that magical time of the year again—back to school—and you know what that means: back to bedtimes, homework, school supplies, and hectic schedules. But this time of the year doesn’t have to be scary for parents or kids. All it takes is a little summer preparation to ensure that the road back to school is smooth sailing.

            First thing’s first: remember all those summer mailings you got from your children’s school about book lists, school supplies, activities fees, and health concerns? Pull them out of the drawer and get organized. Mark any important upcoming events, like parent-teacher nights, on the calendar now so you don’t forget about them as things get busier. Make sure school has the forms they need before your kids head back, that way you can concentrate on making sure they are adjusting rather than worry about all the red tape.

            Schedules can get pretty hectic once school starts up again, so take advantage of the relaxed summer schedule while you still can to make any doctor or dentist appointments your child may need. You’ll want to make sure you find out any health issues sooner rather than later. Also, alert the school office as well as your child’s individual teachers about any health concerns, like asthma or food allergies, that could crop up while your child is in school.

            Start your school shopping early, that way if you aren’t able to conquer the entire school supply list at once—especially if you have multiple children—you give yourself enough time to get everything over a few weeks.  Some teachers require specific supplies, so save your receipts in case you need to return anything.

            Start getting your kids back into school habits about a week before school begins. This may mean going to bed and waking up earlier than they have been all summer. Get them in the habit of eating breakfast every morning if they don’t already; they will need that fuel to kick start their day once classes are back in session. Also consider limiting the amount of time they spend in front of the TV during certain hours in exchange for reading, puzzles, or games and activities that get their minds working, so that all those hours spent in class won’t be such a shock to the system.

If your child is starting at a new school this year, or maybe even just a new building, it is not a bad idea to let them know ahead of time of what they’ll be facing on the first day of school. Call the school and see if you are allowed to visit before term starts. You can help your child find his classroom, the lunchroom, his locker, the gym, the nurse’s office, and any other important landmarks he should know about.

If your child is really nervous about school it might even be a good idea to see if you can arrange a meeting with the teacher before classes begin, that way there will be at least one friendly face on the first day of school.

If your children, like most, aren’t too excited about the prospect of hitting the books again, there are a few small things you can do to motivate them. Avoid talking about homework or tests, and instead ask about the friends they’ll be seeing for the first time since June, or point out different things about them that their friends will notice, like a new haircut or how much they’ve grown. Even something as simple as a new backpack with their favorite cartoon character on it can make them excited to return to school.

Contributed by Solomon Brenner Author Black Belt Parenting "The Art of Raising Your Child for Success"

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Ok, so I am a little behind on blogging, I apologize. But with everything going on at the studio can you blame me? Black Belt Spectacular is just a few short Saturdays away, Promotion night is this week, and I am officially Mr. O for the week, along with my regular job. But I am not complaining! I love being busy, it keeps me focused, and I tend to stay more organized and on track when I barely have time to think. Sometimes when you are idle you tend to be lazy and un-motivated. It is hard to get up and start a project when you have been sitting on the couch for two hours. Keeping busy is a great way to push the "lazy" mindset out of the window. Then, when you do have down time, let's say on a Sunday afternoon, you enjoy it so much more because you have earned it!

The studio is hopping with moms taking class this month, and there is such a new level of energy in Adult class that it is contagious! (Mr. C is also loving all the attention). I am very proud of these women who decided to stop watching and start doing something. Being active is the key to not only a healthy body, but a healthy mind! Your kids will also thank you later, when you have the energy to help them with homework and chores! And when you put that bathing suit on this summer, you will appreciate the fact that you did get up off that chair and pushed yourself to do those Inside Crescent kicks.

These is still time to try class moms - it's free for the month of May! Dads - you are next!

Miss Anne
Action Karate Newtown

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Miss Anne's Blog for the April Shark Bites Newsletter at Action Karate Newtown 215-820-1082 www.actionnewtown.com

As part of our Black Belt test, each candidate is asked to do a Linked-In Project. The goal of this project is to have each candidate “Pay it Forward” by organizing a personal project to help promote the benefits of Martial Arts training to others. Martial Arts Black Belts have for centuries, passed down their knowledge to beginners as a way to extend the chain of Martial Artists.

Our Black Belt candidates are the FIRST ever from Action Karate Newtown. We are very excited and proud of all they have accomplished in the last three years. Our Junior candidates have learned nine self defense moves and seven katas. Our Adults have learned a whopping 81 moves, and 10 katas. Not to mention all the front kicks, spin kicks, side kicks, chicken kicks, tornado kicks, ax kicks, wheel kicks, roundhouse kicks, crescent kicks, rear kicks, and jump switch front kicks that they all have done. Oh, and the punches and blocks. Millions upon millions. And not only have they learned the art of Kenpo Karate, but they have also demonstrated Determination to make it this far. Focus to learn all the techniques and forms. Self-Discipline to put up with Mr. C’s tough workouts. And Respect for the martial arts and for others. That is a lot of information to “Pay it Forward”. 

Miss Julia has so far raised over $600.00 to sponsor a special needs student to take class here at Action Karate. Miss Jenna has had her Girl Scout troop here for class, and they had a blast! I am writing articles and blogs about my journey to Black Belt. The Howie family is spreading the word about us by attending events around the area. Miss Hope had Mr. C. teach her gym class at her school, Our Lady of Grace. Mr. Brian is having Mr. C teach gym class at his school, Quarry Hill Elementary. Miss Emily is writing an article to the local Mom’s Club Newsletter. Mr. Daniel is having the Demo Team perform at his school’s Hoop-Dee-Do. Mr. Larry is filming a commercial for a local television station. 

Now, I just need to say, that is totally AWESOME. I am so proud of the white belts that walked into our studio when we had blue carpet and gym equipment to move out of the way before class every night. The timid, shy and scared students who now perform in public, work hard and have an amazing amount of respect. Those same white belts work community events , visit nursing homes, help out in the younger classes as Leaders in Training or S.W.A.T. members, work birthday parties, sweep the floor, empty the trash cans, and make copies for us. Amazing families and even more amazing students. We would not be where we are today without hard work and dedication from these first Black Belt Candidates. 

Good luck to all on April 9th.... persistence is key, keep up the AWESOME work both at Action and at home, school, and work.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Fitness: Promotion Week

Fitness: Promotion Week: "Promotion week is upon us again! It has been a crazy few months since our last promotion, we implemented a few new changes in the studio. We..."


Promotion week is upon us again! It has been a crazy few months since our last promotion, we implemented a few new changes in the studio. We have a new place for all of our shoes and jackets, (thank you Green Street Construction) newly painted private lesson rooms and bathrooms. Our S.T.A.R. Projects are changing up to focus more on life lessons, and healthy goals. We have Zumba classes and Breakfast LIT meetings now also. A few new Instructors helping out in class. But the best change of all is how we have come full circle since the day we opened our doors three years ago.  

At our first Promotion we had seven students! Those original seven, plus twelve more are testing for their Black Belts in two months. I can name every single one without batting an eye. They have helped us to be who we are today. It has been an incredible journey, a lot of hard work, sweat, and tears. But most of all, it has all been extremely satisfying and fun. There were nights where we only had one student show up for class. (Thanks Danny). We never thought we would be where we are today.

We have grown so much and have been taught amazing lessons along the way. Some we stepped forward, some where we learned to take a step back. That is part of growing, and we never forget those challenges and trials. Along the way we met amazing children and adults who have become great martial artists even with the challenges and difficulties they have had to face. They teach us lessons every single day. Good lessons. How to keep going. How to move forward. How to laugh at yourself. How to be positive. And to NEVER give up.

So as we hand out the new belts this week, and shed a tear, or crack up at our Asah Sharks trying to tie their belts, the Ninjas who can't wait to do a million jumping jacks, just know that we are eternally grateful for the amazing journey the families at Action Karate Newtown have taken us on. Without you, we would never be where we are today.

"Whatever you are, be a good one".......Abraham Lincoln.

Miss Anne