Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Ok, so I am a little behind on blogging, I apologize. But with everything going on at the studio can you blame me? Black Belt Spectacular is just a few short Saturdays away, Promotion night is this week, and I am officially Mr. O for the week, along with my regular job. But I am not complaining! I love being busy, it keeps me focused, and I tend to stay more organized and on track when I barely have time to think. Sometimes when you are idle you tend to be lazy and un-motivated. It is hard to get up and start a project when you have been sitting on the couch for two hours. Keeping busy is a great way to push the "lazy" mindset out of the window. Then, when you do have down time, let's say on a Sunday afternoon, you enjoy it so much more because you have earned it!

The studio is hopping with moms taking class this month, and there is such a new level of energy in Adult class that it is contagious! (Mr. C is also loving all the attention). I am very proud of these women who decided to stop watching and start doing something. Being active is the key to not only a healthy body, but a healthy mind! Your kids will also thank you later, when you have the energy to help them with homework and chores! And when you put that bathing suit on this summer, you will appreciate the fact that you did get up off that chair and pushed yourself to do those Inside Crescent kicks.

These is still time to try class moms - it's free for the month of May! Dads - you are next!

Miss Anne
Action Karate Newtown